Generation Z

En tekst om hva som er spessielt med "generasjon z" og om hvordan de skiller seg ut fra tidligere generasjoner.
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What will my generation be remembered for? What is special about generation z? Generation z is people born from the late 1990's to 2010.

I think generation z will be remembered for being the first generation to have access to fast internet. With fast internet we can watch videos or share videos and photos for other people to see. The downside to have access to videos and other type of entertainment online is that we will have a short attention span. Another downside to entertainment online is less social interaction with other people since people will have more joy of being inside playing games or watching videos the internet.

We could also be remembered for social media. We are the first generation where social media is a thing who everyone has. Apps like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and Facebook is social media apps. Our generation will be very effected by social media in the form of buying whatever a famous influencer has or recommend or wanting to have the perfect life they see people have on social media.

I think generation z will have friends all around the world. People will often meet through games or social media and become friends. It will also be easier to talk to people from around the world because people from generation z will understand and talk English much better than generations before. For generation z it will be easier to learn English because all sorts of content and entertainment will be in English. They will also be used to using and hearing English words in their language.

I also think my generation will be more engaged in saving the environment and taking care of our planet. Many people from generation z around the world take part in demonstrations about making politicians choose more environmentally friendly. Generation z will also be more careful with throwing trash in the nature since we know about the harm plastic could do to the planet.

Our generation will also be remembered for being able to have access to all music without buying cd’s or cassettes. The downside to this is that music artists will make much less money because they aren’t able to sell albums in stores like they did before. 

Generation z is a very different generation from other generations. They will probably become more creative and take more action in making the earth cleaner. I think generation z should use less social media and play less games and be more social with friends outside.


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