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Presentasjon av en aktuell nyhet på engelsk.

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In the last time it has been a lot of cases were elders and handicapped people have been robbed in Follo. The police believe that it`s one man who is standing behind this robbers. The police are describing this person as a tall man in the 20`s. He assumes to be of Afro-Americans origin.


Borghild (74) and Bjørn (81) Martinsen are one of many old couples who are following the “older-robber” case. They have started to look out of the window before they open the door, and they have also got one more lock on the door.


Bjørn says that; “If the man is trying to rob me I will do anything which stands in my force to catch him, but if it`s two or three people, it`s nothing I can do!”

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