An awful dream

Teksten handler om en gutt som drømmer en forferdelig drøm. Han begynner en lang og forferdelig reise gjennom skogen før han finner ut om det er drøm eller ikke... Dette er en novelle.
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An awful dream

I sat there, alone in the shadow. The trees surrounded me. It felt like they were talking to each other. They trees made weird noises. The wind in the air blew me in the face. There was a cold wind. The leaves of the trees around me, flew away slowly in the air. It was autumn, on the evening. I wished I were home, sitting on my own armchair with a warm cup of tea in my left hand. However, I was not. I was in a creepy, dark forest.

Everytime, I wondered why I was here. Why I left my house. Why I left everything, I had. I could not spot a living creature in the forest. No human nor animal. I tried to figure out where north, west, south and east were, but I found early out that it was hopeless. I said to myself that I must never give something I want to achieve. My goal was to get out of this foul forest safely.

I began to look for tools that were useful. My results were two sticks, which I made a sword of a small size and a bag of plastic. The bag was not so useful as I thought, however, it could maybe be used for something in the future of my journey. After all, I started to walk a direction I had chosen randomly.

There were still no living thing in the forest. Neither did I spot any insect, not one. In normal forests, which this forest was not, there are gathering of birds, many birds are flying tree to tree, there are families of squirrels, full of insects and other animals. In this forest, there were no living creature as I have mentioned. In addition, there were no food or drinkable water. There were dead leaves on the ground, most of them with the color brown. A touch could make a leaf into hundreds of pieces. These pieces, would have been lifted up from the ground by the wind, and blown away to different courses. 

On my walk-period, I saw more things than that I have mentioned. I saw big dirty rocks, and of course old, nasty trees, dead plants and dead sticks. None of these things helped me neither gave me more hope of surviving. But I still did not have food nor water. I searched in my pockets to find something I could use to help. My result was an old broken phone. I tried to turn it on, but the battery was dead. Luck was not “my friend” in that situation. 

What could I do in this accursed forest? There are just trees and more trees. Where is the end? It seemed like there was no end. In every direction, there were only trees and trees. There were neither sound of any bird nor any living thing where I was.

I was exhausted at the moment. Resting was the key. I sat down on a rock with some dirt. There were still trees everywhere around me. It seemed like I was on the same place I was before I began my “walk-period”. I needed food and something to drink, water of course. In my head, I thought, what will I do when I reach the third day of this journey without water? Humans die after three days without water. Without food, I will survive within three weeks if luck is on my side. Before I could do anything more, I fell into a long sleep. 

I woke up in a bed with a white, shiny duvet over my body and a medium-sized pillow under my head. Actually, I lied in a bed. The bed was familiar to me, like the duvet and the pillow. Many thoughts were flying in my head right now. Why am I here? Is this a dream or something? I thought it was a dream, because how in the hell did I find the way out of the forest. The last thing I remembered was that I sat on a nasty dirty rock, thinking about survival of food and water. There were nothing more. 

The bed, the duvet and the pillow were my things. I was in my own room. In my own house. That was the answer of why these things were things I had seen before. It was a dream. The forest-journey was an awful dream.

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