the beuaty of being different

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 The beauty of being different
First, I am going to say that differences are important and they should remain respected.

What would the world have been if we didn’t have people like: Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King jr, Abraham Lincoln, Moses, Marie Curie and many more. All of them did great things, but some people found them weird, because they had strong feeling about something.

Now I’m going to give you some reasons that being different is good:

1.      It allows you to be true to yourself

The most obvious (and important) thing first. The biggest damage you can do yourself is shape shifting to please your “audience” of the moment. It is exhausting (even to watch) and, more importantly, pointless. You will never fully grow as an individual and more often than not, fail miserably at your attempt to join in with a particular club of people. Life has a ability for throwing situations at you that will soon show the world what you are really like, and, ironically, in this critical society of ours- there is probably nothing so not liked as someone considered to be acting fake in order to ‘fit in’.  



2.      It’s a lot of stress

Following obviously from point number one comes this very welcome little extra benefit. Chances are, if you have ever tried to act different to who you know yourself to be, for any reason or time you are familiar with the stress of it all. The anxiety about being found out after one wrong move, the tension of thinking up unplanned but believable replies to any question anyone may ask the ‘recent you’ for want of a better word. All of it combined is definitely nerve wracking! Take a break, treat yourself to the treat of a lot less bother, and worry by forming aside your reserves and being completely, completely yourself.


3.      It helps increase self esteem 

When you discover that being yourself truly is enough to have everything you tried to get by being someone else-its extremely beneficial to your personal sense of self worth. There are people who want to be friends with you for who you are. There are those who admire you for your own brand of talent. Your opinions are counted-yours, uncensored and open, that’s something to be really proud about, something to make you feel good about yourself.


4.      You are a greatly needed inspiration to others-to all of us

This one is self explanatory. I do not need to say more.

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