Engelsktentamen 2017 ish

Karakter 6.
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Task 1a 

If immigrants were to come to my community, I would love to show them around the city. Depending on the immigrants’ background, I would love to unite their culture with mine. That’d show them that we accept their country and I’d show them our country. Secondly, I would try to arrange some sort of event in the central area of our city, which would be promoted further throughout the community. This event would be for those wanting to officially welcome the immigrants, and hopefully the immigrants would enjoy themselves! So, they’d make memories here and get to know people in the area. I think blending the immigrants in with society would be a good way to make them feel welcome, because they’d feel a part of our society. 

As for language, I would love to help them learn Norwegian. Offer them free classes in Norwegian, where immigrants could join. I’d read Norwegian tales for the children after they’d learn some. I would teach the adults basic Norwegian phrases, words and greetings in a library. I’d also let them read story in their own languages if they’d want that. Lastly, I would finish it all off by wishing them good luck and a good future. I think kindness is a way to show acceptance.

Task 1B – My American dream 

My American Dream is to motivate people by speech. Many people struggle daily, whether it’s poverty or mentally. My dream is to speak in front of many people and change their lives for the better. I would like to motivate them and inspire them to keep fighting their battles of different struggles. I would especially do that in America, because I would not get enough attention in my own country. The opportunities in Ameica are far better than what’s here. Why I would like to motivate people is because everyone deserves to live a good life, or at least an okay one. By motivating them, maybe many of them will accomplish many things and feel good about themselves.



Being able to speak for many people is hard to achieve, especially at first. Firstly, I would like to study. By studying, I would learn a lot of things I’d need in order to speak properly. I would study psychology, and would get a job as a school nurse. From there, I would gain a lot of experience. I would also get inspired to write different speeches and speak up for students. This would be practising and test whether they feel motivated or not. From there, I would willingly talk at an event, interview an exercise motivator and learn. Lastly, I would try to arrange events where I would speak in front of many people and wholeheartedly try to motivate them. 




















2D – long answer 


I believe the immigration process was easier back then than now.  Many people from Europe immigrated to America by boats. However, the process back in 1800’s wasn’t pleasing either. There would be a person shouting instructions at the people. Most people would feel extremely befuddled and lost. The space between people would be slim, therefore it was very uncomfortable in the boats. There would be a health check-up of all the people there, though. Upon their arrival, I can imagine the confusion would get worse. Firstly, they would not understand the new language. Secondly, I don’t think they were treated with a lot of respect either. I think there was a lot of race-based hate around that time. I think getting a job there was hard, and I don’t think they made a lot of money either.

Today, many people immigrate by airplanes. Why the immigration process is different, is because of the advancement and arising security concerns. The process was very short back in the 1800s, but now getting in is getting more difficult and long. The security checks and overall security is now, very strict. The process of immigation includes many things. In America, you will have to apply for a visa. You will need a host (a family member or a partner living in America). It often takes months and months for it to happen, but in many cases it works out. However, the hate/fear of foreign people wandering in a America has gotten more attention. Though many things are different now, disrespect isn’t a new thing. Immigrants are often treated very badly when they arrive. If not physically, I think they get dirty looks and disrespect. As for the racism, I believe it has gotten worse. Maybe it’s the influence of the media, but many people seem to think of immigrants as less worth and even dangerous. Furthermore, racism has gone so far that racist laws have been set. Such as travel bans and some public places not allowing certain groups of people. Many hate crimes have been reported in many states, as well as public fights. I think the racism has grown now because of the publicity, the things that are happening all over the world and how much we think we know about the situation. While back in 1800’s, they didn’t really see the immigrants as terrorists or threats. They rather saw them as willing workers 

Easier to legally move to America?

Many immigrants are classified as illegal immigrants. These immigrants are now being deported out from America and back to their countries, despite their potential contribution to society. There is a lot of controversy around this topic. Some people think the deportation of many illegal immigrants is right to do due to security conerns, while others believe it’s ethically wrong to deport them. As for people living in (mainly) muslim countries, legally moving to America nowdays is difficult. In addition to the long process, the government accepts very few applications. 

In the 1800’s however, I believe the Americans wanted people to work for them in factories and immigrants were welcomed, at least. People now claim that immigrants steal jobs from them. Today, there is an on-going discussion discussion in politics and society whether immigrants should be welcomed or not. 


As for the reasons to why immigrants came to America in the 1800’s, they all had an American dream. Whether they wanted to make money for their families, or getting a good job. Some people even had to flee from diseases or/and conflicts going on in their country. The potato famine, local conflicts, or maybe some people had to flee from dangerous circumstances. 

The reasons to why people immigrate to America now are very similar. A lot of people have to immigate to America now to escape conflicts going on. Also, many people immigrate to America to get a better job and a better future. 


Back in the days, the conditions in many countries led to people to emigrate from different parts of the world for a better future. Economically, many countries were poor and it affected many residents. (Norway for instance).  Similarly, many people still flee from poverty. That’s similar. The difference is the treatment and how immigrants are viewed. There are many narrow-minded people today, and that makes it harder for immigrants to live in their new country. This was also the case in 1800. Though, nowdays’ case is worse due to the many recent terrorist attacks. The immigration process has changed throughout time, and the security has gotten stricter and stricter. This makes it harder for immigrants to legally move to America for a fair treatment. 

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