Engelsk tentamen

Engelsk tentamen 2017. Tre ulike oppgave i teksten.
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Task 1:

The text I liked the most was “Your amazing brain”. I liked the text because it is about humans and it is actually fun to read and it is interesting to read about our brain. I learned things I did not knew. I think the brain is something amazing and it is fun to learn about it too. Did you know that our brain can transfer information faster than 240 kilometers per hour, it think that is amazing.

How can I use the texts in the magazine as inspiration in my life? If I am ever going to have a presentation about heroes I can read the text “Amazing stories about child bravery”, I think that is somewhat heroic, how the kids in the stories are willing to offer their own life to save a another person. On the other hand, if I am going to study about brains the text “Your amazing brain” can help me a lot.

Task 2:

The text “Why is it super cool to be yourself at school” is about that teenagers should be they self at school or wherever they are going, the text tells you to be yourself and do not try to be someone else just because everyone want you to be different. In high school people change without even known, they will try to impress other teenagers to make friends, but it is not always we will try to impress the right person, and if we do that we may end up in trouble because we chose wrong person to impress.

Why the author did chose to write about this topic? I think the author chose this topic because a lot of kids around the world  are sad because they think there are not clever enough, not tall enough, not cool enough++, and then they choose to hang with the wrong people and to wrong choices. Therefore, I think the author tried to convince those kids to believe in them self and do not care what other kids are saying about them, just believe in them self. Therefore, my answer for this task is that the author is trying to build courage to teenagers who think that they are not good enough and for those without courage.

Task 3D:

My brother is a superhero

“I am not going to stand here and watch Zack have superpowers, I still do not get it, why would Zoraben the Dentist choose Zack instead of me, I am the one who is reading superhero comics, and it is so unfair that he got the powers. It must be a way to reverse this, I am the one who deserve to have super powers, and no one are going to take that from me!” said Luke. «What have he ever done to deserve to have superpowers”, “ I don’t think Zorro the Demon was full awake when he gave Zack those powers, I think I need to find him and make him change his mind”.

“Hey there Zack!” said Luke, “Hi little brother, what are you up to today?” said Zack, “Well, I am going to play in the tree house, do you want to join?” said Luke, “Since you asked, why not, maybe we can meet Zorbon the Decider and ask why I was the chosen one and not you” said Zack. “Yeye, let us see about that” said Luke.

Therefore, the two brothers went to the tree house…

“So, how did you make him come here?” said Luke, “Did you said some magic words? Said Luke. “Come on, tell me!” screamed Luke, “Just relax, stay calm, I can’t guarantee that he will show up”. “What?!? Just do the same things you did first time he showed up!”

“Okay, just go out of this room, if you don’t, it will no work.” Said Zack and so Luke did, he walked out of the room in the treehouse and waited, and waited then suddenly he heard a new voice inside the room, the voice was deep and high. Luke slowly turned his face around to see what was happening inside the room. Then he saw Zorbon the Decider talking with Luke`s older brother. He almost passed out, he could not believe it, it really was Zorbon the Decider, and he was taller than Zack, he had no nose, his skin tone was red and his eyes were blue.

Luke was a little scared of Zorbon the Decider, but he needed to talk with him about Zack and superpowers, so he walked back into the room. His heart were jumping up and down, up and down, Luke regret walking into the room were Zorbon the Decider were. He wanted to turn around and walk away, he was so scared of Zorbon the Decider, but he walked right to him.

“Hey there” said Luke, and smiled nervously to Zorbon and Zack. “Hey, Luke” Zorbon said with his heavy, and dark voice. Luke almost lost his breath. “I want to ask you a question about” was all Luke could say before Zorbon interrupted him “Why I gave Zack superpowers? Is that your question?” said Zorbon. “Yes… it is” said Luke. “Well Luke, I will tell you. I have met Zack several times, without him even knowing it was I, I wanted to give my powers to a good, honest and kind person. I gave Zack several testes and he passed them all. Do you remember last time you were here, and you needed to go to the bathroom?” said Zorbon. “Yes, of course” said Luke. “That’s when I gave Zack the powers, and you were mad because you didn’t get any powers,” said Zorbon. “Yes Zorbon, I remember that too. I am really sorry for everything, I had no idea why you would give Zack the powers, but now I know why, and I understand It.,” said Luke.  

“Well that’s good Luke, who knows; maybe one day you will get superpowers too. But now I need to get back to my world, so goodbye Zack and Luke.

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